A bibliografia a seguir contém uma seleção das muitas fontes especializadas que usamos para instruir o projeto LADI.

Alpert-Abrams, H., Bliss, D., & Carbajal, I. (2019). Post-Custodial Archiving for the Collective Good: Examining Neoliberalism in US-Latin American Archival Partnerships. Journal of Critical Library and Information Studies, 2(1), 1-24. DOI:
Bastian, J. A. (1999). Defining custody: The impact of archival custody on the relationship between communities and their historical records in the information age. A case study of the United States Virgin Islands (Order No. 9957702). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (304537561). Retrieved from
Bastian, J. A. (2002). Taking Custody, Giving Access: A Postcustodial Role for a New Century. Archivaria, 53, 76-93. Retrieved from
Boadle, D. (2004). Reinventing the Archive in a Virtual Environment: Australians and the Non-Custodial Management of Electronic Records. Australian Academic & Research Libraries, 35(3), 242–252. DOI:
Butler, M., & Bliss, D. A. (2018). Digital Resources: The Hijuelas Collection. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Latin American History. DOI:
Caswell, M. (2014). Toward a survivor-centered approach to records documenting human rights abuse: lessons from community archives. Archival Science, 14(3-4), 307–322. DOI:
Caswell, M., Zavala, J., Migoni, A., Geraci, N., & Cifor, M. (2017). “A process where we’re all at the table”: community archives challenging dominant modes of archival practice. Retrieved from
Cook, T. (1994). Electronic records, paper minds: the revolution in information management and archives in the post-custodial and post-modernist era. Archives and Manuscripts, 22(2), 300–328. Retrieved from
Flinn, A. (2007). Community Histories, Community Archives: Some Opportunities and Challenges. Journal of the Society of Archivists, 28(2), 151–176. DOI:
Guberek, T., Muralles, V., & Alpert-Abrams, H. (2019). ‘Irreversible’: The Role of Digitization to Repurpose State Records of Repression. International Journal of Transitional Justice, 13(1), 50–70. DOI:
Guo, W., Fang, Y., Pan, W., & Li, D. (2016). Archives as a trusted third party in maintaining and preserving digital records in the cloud environment. Records Management Journal, 26(2), 170–184. DOI:
Ham, F. (1981). Archival Strategies for the Post-Custodial Era. The American Archivist, 44(3), 207-216. DOI:
Heath, F., Kelleher, C., Sangwand, T.-K., & Wood, K. (2010). Confronting challenges of documentation in the digital world: the Human Rights Documentation Initiative at the University of Texas. Transforming Research Libraries for the Global Knowledge Society, 165–178. doi: 10.1016/b978-1-84334-594-7.50012-0
Henry, L. (1998). Schellenberg in Cyberspace. The American Archivist, 61(2), 309–327. DOI:
Jorente, M. (2011). Archives information publishing new design in post-custodial regime: The National Archives Experience Digital Vaults. Information Services & Use, 31(3-4), 147–155. Retrieved from
Kelleher, C., Sangwand, T., Wood, K., & Kamuronsi, Y. (2010). The Human Rights Documentation Initiative at the University of Texas Libraries. New Review of Information Networking, 15(2), 94–109. DOI:
Kelleher, C. (2017). Archives Without Archives: (Re)Locating and (Re)Defining the Archive Through Post-Custodial Praxis. Journal of Critical Library and Information Studies, 1(2). DOI:
Marín, Mariana, María Merced Rodríguez Pérez, & María Teresa Petlacalco Moreno. “El Fondo Real de Cholula: digitalización y conservación del patrimonio histórico.” Conservación y Restauración. No. 18, 2019.
O’Shea, G., & Roberts, D.. (1996). Living in a digital world: recognising the electronic and post-custodial realities. Archives and Manuscripts, 24(2), 286–311. Retrieved from
Sangwand, T-K. (2018). Preservation is Political: Enacting Contributive Justice and Decolonizing Transnational Archival Collaborations. KULA: Knowledge Creation, Dissemination, and Preservation Studies, 2(1), 10. DOI:
Sangwand, T-K. & Norsworthy, K. (2013). From Custody to Collaboration: The Post-custodial Archival Model at the University of Texas Libraries. Retrieved from
Tough, A. (2004). The post-custodial/pro-custodial argument from a records management perspective. Journal of the Society of Archivists, 25(1), 19–26. DOI:

Cunningham, A. (2010). Chapter 9, The postcustodial archive. The Future of Archives and Recordkeeping, 177–194. London: Facet.
Millar, L. (2017). Chapter 3, Archival history and theory. Archives : principles and practices / Laura A. Millar. (Second edition.). London: Facet. Retrieved from
Rodríguez Pérez, M. (2022). CAPÍTULO 3, Historias por contar: El Fondo Real de Cholula como fuente para el estudio de las mujeres. Ausencias en Clío. Género e historia en México Cali: Universidad Santiago de Cali. Retrieved from

Thomas, S. (2006, June 16). paradigm | Workbook on Digital Private Papers | Collection development | Post-custodial approach. Retrieved from