Esta página destaca a pesquisa digital com base nas coleções LADI, incluindo projetos de visualização e guias de ferramentas digitais.

Tradução pendente. The map shows 228 communities in the Mexican state of Michoacán that participated in the liberal privatization of indigenous land holdings during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, officially known as the reparto de tierras. It also displays the state's district boundaries during the latter half of the reparto, based on Manuel Orozco y Berra’s 1899 map.
Faixa de datas: 1719 - 1929
Países: Mexico
Idiomas: English
Dados do Projeto: Political District Boundaries of Michoacán, Mexico, 1899; Communities in Michoacán, Mexico that were presented Hijuelas during the Privatization of Indigenous Land, 1719‐1929
Coleção de Parceiros: Colección Digital Libros de Hijuelas de Michoacán de Ocampo
Repositório de Parceiras: Archivo General e Histórico del Poder Ejecutivo de Michoacán
Criador: John D. Erard, 2020